The Right Way to Bench Press

Anyone who’s ever been to the gym has seen someone bench pressing . It’s one of the most popular exercises out there and with good reason – it’s an effective way to build strength and size in your chest and arms. However, doing it correctly can be tricky, especially if you’re a novice. In this article, we’ll break down the right way to bench press so that you can get the most out of your workout every time. Choosing the Right Weight: The first step is choosing the right weight for your bench press . This is important not only for safety reasons but also for having an effective workout. Too light of a weight will not adequately challenge your muscles, while too heavy of a weight could lead to injury. A good rule of thumb is to start with a weight that feels challenging but manageable – you should be able to complete 8-10 repetitions without straining too much or feeling uncomfortable. Form is Key: Once you have chosen your weight, it’s time to focus ...