What is Sports Nutrition?

S ports nutrition is the practice of understanding how different foods and drinks can enhance your performance as an athlete and how they can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Understanding what foods and beverages are best for fueling your body during exercise and competition is essential. Doing so can maximize your energy levels, improve your performance, and stay healthy in the process. How Nutrition Affects Performance Your body needs adequate fuel before, during, and after physical activity to perform at its best. If you don’t give your body the proper nutrients it needs, it won’t be able to perform at its peak. Eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins , complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats helps fuel your body for physical activity. In addition to eating a balanced diet, certain types of food work better for athletes than others. For example, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains provide a slow-burning energy source that will last long ...