Which Is Better? Muscle Milk or Whey Protein Powder for Post-Workout Recovery

This is a blog article discussing the benefits of both Muscle Milk and Whey Protein . As research has shown, it is possible that post-workout shakes such as these can make a significant difference in muscle recovery and building - so we're going to take a look at what you need to know to find the best shake for your needs. Whey Protein Powder vs. Muscle Milk It's the age-old question - which is better for post-workout recovery, whey protein powder or muscle milk? Both have their fans, but which one is really the best? There are a few things to consider when you go with which one. First, what are your goals? If you're trying to build muscle, then you'll want to focus on whey protein powder. Whey is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids needed to build muscle. It's also quickly absorbed by the body, so it's perfect for post-workout recovery. Muscle milk is also a good choice for post-workout recovery, but it...